Abstract: This paper presents a complete insight on this revolutionising and satisfying solution for energy storage through biodegradable and also analyse in solving the problem from unbiodegradable energy resources. After the use of unbiodegradable energy resources, a lot of pollution is caused which is contaminating the environment. It is a flexible, ultra-thin device for energy storage and production.It is composed of carbon nanotubes along with sheet of cellulose-based paper. It can be used both as a high-energy battery and super capacitor. By these two types of functioning, it allows the battery to provide both long-term steady power production as well as a lot of energy as power backup regarding capacitors. Being Biodegradable, Light-weight and Non-toxic, flexible paper batteries have potential capability to adapt as a power source for the next generation. Paper battery has the potential to be used in electronics, medical devices and hybrid vehicles(Transformers) and medical technologies. The paper is aimed at understanding & analysing the properties and characteristics of Paper Batteries for the upcoming world; to study its advantages over unbiodegradable energy resources, limitations and disadvantages. This paper also aims at highlighting the construction and since it is the biodegradable and efficient source to replace other sources so finding various methods of mass production of Paper Battery.

Keywords: Paper Battery, hybrid vehicles, Biodegradable, Light-weight and Non-toxic.